西貢區議會年報 2014–2017
Sai Kung District Council Annual Report 2014 – 2017
也做了不少綠化的發展。此設計為區議會年報的模板 (template),藍與綠的色調讓人記住
為全書的主視覺 (visual) 及編排定好規格 (style guide),並交由排版團隊(editorial team) 處理。
SaiKung District is one of the most commonplace tourists used to visit. For her beauty, she also named as the bark yard of Hong Kong.
‘Sai Kung District Council Annual Report 2014–2017’ recorded the urban and rural development in the San Kung District, including new architectures and greening development. The editorial template mainly toned in blue and green, manifesting the image of chilling, relaxing and green of Sai Kung district.
The template use to set the visual and style guide for the editorial team.
客戶 Client
西貢區議會 Sai Kung District Council
規格 Format
16 pages including cover,
24.5cm (H) x 18.5cm (W)